Friday, June 8, 2018

A Few of My Favorite Things

I've always loved this song. Mostly because the list, while it rhymes (because, song!), is completely arbitrary. Her list is random, fun, and just interesting to pick apart.

Raindrops on roses - loves simple beautiful things

Whiskers on kittens - they tickle, and kittens are cute!

Bright copper kettles - back in those days you had to really scrub to keep copper pots bright, and as an initiate at a nunnery, she would have done lots of chores involving scrubbing, pots, and copper, so she's probably valuing the hard work put in, as well as the result.

Warm woolen mittens - she's from a place that gets below freezing whatever thermometer gauge you're using, warm things are good here.

Brown paper packages tied up with strings - surprise of what's inside, not to mention that households used that paper and string for a myriad of things. Very thrifty folk.

I won't keep going because I can feel eyes rolling so hard online. I just know someone wants to tl;dr this.

But I am going to use this as a confessional - about things that I like.

Thrift Store Yarn.
Beads - all shapes, and sizes, and materials, but I lean to glass, wood, bone, and metal over plastic.
Stuffed Things. (Monsters, animals, sea shells, etc.)
Board Games
Video Games

Honestly the list could go on.

What are your favorite things?

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Serial Bloggist - my apology

I have a problem.

Not that you'd see it anymore, if 'delete permanently' works as promised, but a problem nonetheless.

I think this is my 12th blog?

The most posts I did was quite probably 10 on one, some blogs died at a title, and a web address.

See, I'm part of that population that is endowed with the belief that they have something to say, that it is worthwhile, and more importantly, that other people want to hear about the one time I did This Thing.

My problem with serial blogging is that I have too many concepts. I like Christmas and crafting and fairy tales and history, and so Many More Things! (Insert Meme Here.)

So now I start each blog with an apology. Just in case someone stumbles on my blog somehow as they go down their chosen internet rabbit hole and ends up here.


If you read this and there are only a handful of blog posts, and you somehow like this blog, and it's been years since I've posted, I'm sorry. The Internet is full of dead ends, and quite possibly you've landed on this one.

If, by some miracle, this is the concept that sticks, then hooray! Welcome to the start of something, possibly beautiful, probably not.

*End of Apology*

(Nathan Fillion, because I have such a huge geek crush on this guy. He really is ruggedly handsome.)